Established since 1953, SMA 3 Bandung is known as the Belitung School. It is located on Jalan Belitung 8 Bandung. This is one favorite school among Bandung. There are around 99% each year of the graduates successfully continued to many leading universities in Indonesia, especially Technology Bandung Institute ( ITB), Indonesia University (UI) and Padjadjaran University ( UNPAD) and other reputable universities and colleges in Indonesia or overseas.
Some Alumni of SMAN 3 Bandung have occupied the important positions in the government, enterprises, universities and private companies.
Various facilities are owned SMAN 3 Bandung to support teaching and learning activities. The facilities include:
Biology lab
Physics Laboratory
Chemistry lab
Computer lab
Language laboratory
Basketball / volleyball
Football field / athletics
Ward gymnastics / badminton court
2 Hall
AVI space
This building stands on a land area of 14 240 m2 with a building area of 8,220 m2 facing north (Jalan Belitung) inhabited by two schools are SMU 3 Bandung in west and SMU 5 Bandung in the east. Limit 3 SMU and SMU 5 is limited only by lane central corridor that extends from north to south. This corridor limit can also serve as a unifier between SMA 3 and SMA 5 so that the citizens of these two schools can coexist with harmony and peace. Among the students was never any dispute.
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